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Is Your Website Hurting Your Salon? Why a Strong Digital Presence Matters More Than Ever


As salon and spa owners, we put so much time and energy into creating beautiful spaces for our clients. But here’s a question: does your website reflect that same level of care?

In our recent Beauty Business Strategies podcast, we sat down with Ameet Kallarackal, CEO and co-founder of Glammatic, who explained why having a stunning physical location isn’t enough if your digital presence is falling behind. In fact, your website might be driving potential clients away—before they ever step foot in your business.

Your Website Is Your Digital Front Door

Ameet shared a powerful statistic: 72% of potential clients search for salons and spas on Google first. That means your website is often the first impression new clients get. Think of it as your “digital front door”—what’s waiting on the other side?

If your website doesn’t look professional, isn’t easy to navigate, or doesn’t reflect the aesthetic and quality of your salon, clients are likely moving on to the next option. 90% of people won’t go past the first page of Google results, so if your online presence isn’t optimized, you’re likely missing out on a huge number of potential clients.

Common Mistakes Salons/Spas Make with Their Websites

According to Ameet, there are a few common pitfalls that salons and spas fall into when it comes to their web presence:

  1. No Website or Only Relying on Social Media
    Many salons think a Facebook or Instagram page is enough. While social media is important, it’s not a replacement for a website. Your website should serve as the central hub of your business online.
  2. Outdated Designs and Poor Mobile Optimization
    A poorly designed website can make your business seem unprofessional. And in today’s world, where two-thirds of web traffic is on mobile devices, if your website doesn’t look great on a phone, it’s hurting your business.
  3. Missing Information About Your Team
    Clients aren’t just choosing your salon—they’re choosing the stylists and professionals who work there. Ameet stressed that team visibility is crucial. If your website doesn’t showcase your team and their expertise, you’re missing a big opportunity to build trust with potential clients and even potential new hires.

How to Fix It: The Essentials of a Great Salon Website

So, what can you do to ensure your website is working for you, not against you? Here are some of Ameet’s top tips:

  • Invest in Branding: Your brand is more than just a logo—it’s the look, feel, and personality of your business. Make sure your website consistently reflects your brand with the right fonts, colors, and imagery.
  • Highlight Your Team: Add team bios and photos to your website. Potential clients want to see who they’ll be working with, and a personalized touch goes a long way in building trust.
  • Optimize for Mobile: With most people browsing on their phones, it’s essential that your site is mobile-friendly. A site that’s difficult to navigate on a phone will drive clients away.

The ROI of a Strong Digital Presence

The best part? All of this investment pays off. Ameet shared that a well-designed, optimized website can convert 5% of website visitors into new clients. If your average client spends $100 per visit, that’s $500 in new business each month, just from improving your web presence.

Ready to Transform Your Salon’s Online Presence?

Your website is more than just an online placeholder—it’s a critical part of your business’s success. As Ameet said, even a small investment in improving your digital presence can lead to big returns.

Want to learn more? Listen to the full episode of the podcast where we dive even deeper into how to boost your salon’s visibility online and attract more clients.


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